You Can and Will Do It!!!
In my readings, I found a book called You can do it and Will do it!!!, which tells of success through believing in yourself. The book explains the habits and mindsets that create success seemingly out of thin air. Being specific about what success looks like and what it means to succeed at a goal in my life came through the challenging of stereotypes and controlling habits that do not serve me long term.
The book breaks down five important areas that need to be considered when setting goals and making progress towards those goals. Organizing your goals and breaking them down into smaller tasks or objectives so that you don't feel overwhelmed and you can measure your progress. Now, this also means that you need to prioritize your goals. You can have as many goals as you would like but realistically, which ones do you think are appropriate for you to focus on.
Once you set the goals it becomes a standard that you set goals that are effective and incorporate discipline elements that bind and exercise good judgment. This as explained in the book helps you to create a focus that helps you complete your goals. Rituals, routines, and tasks are the lifeblood of keeping busy and taking charge of your life. You can do it and Will do it is a quick guide to establishing, prioritizing, and executing the plan you have for your future.
This book touched a lot on some of the foundational information I learned in the 5 Steps of creating Financial Prosperity. Be specific, make your goal measurable, that it is attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Something that I almost always overlook is scaling up after accomplishing a goal. This lets you know that you have mastered something yet you have since that you can accomplish bigger things and most certainly will.